Cloverbloom Reconstituted Salt Butter

Cloverbloom Butter is a reconstituted product. Is processed from anhydrous milk fat (AMF), pasteurized, which takes place through a physical process of separation of the fat of  high quality cow´s milk, so that no formation of foreign fats (such as trans are formed in chemical processes such as hydrogenation). The anhydrous milk fat are added water, milk solids, salt and natural coloring, obtaining a butter with a taste, aroma, texture, consistency and nutritional value characteristic.
In the outer packaging are printed the product description and instructions. Cloverbloom Butter has several forms:
Pack in plastic bags placed inside polipel corrugated boxes of 56 lbs.
Also packed in boxes of 50 small waxed boxes of four quarters 1 lb. packed in special grease resistant paper superperga.
In boxes of 24 units of 1 lb. Each 1lb box. has 4 ¼ pound units wrapped in grease resistant paper superperga.
Butter is also packed Cloverbloom for service restaurants, hotels, fast food restaurants (fast food) in boxes of 200 tablets of 10g. laminated paper.
In easy open 9g packaging product, packed in corrugated boxes with 108 servings of 9g. Stowage is 30 boxes with maximum height of 8 boxes.

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