Baturro Tomato Sauce

Baturro Tomato Sauce is a product made from pasteurized tomato concentrate obtained from red healthy tomatoes. It has a pleasant taste, slightly sour and sweet, slightly fluid consistency, intense red coloration which allows to provide these qualities in the different dishes to be used in. It is a nutritional product that is an important source of minerals (K, Mg), vitamins (B1, B2, B5 and C) and carotenoids such as lycopene which is an antioxidant with a protective function to our body. We have them in several varieties for taste Baturro Mushroom Tomato Sauce, Baturro Tomato and Cheese Sauce, Baturro Tomato with Vegetables Sauce and Baturro Italian Tomato Sauce.

PRESENTATION: Baturro Tomato Sauce comes in different varieties offered in packages of 100g doypacks presentations.

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