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El 10 de abril de 1969 se constituye la Sociedad Lavery Panamá. S.A.; misma que adquiere su nombre en reconocimiento al australiano Hugh Lavery, en ese entonces Presidente y Gerente general de la empresa David Lavery & Son Pty. Ltd., quien cristalizó la idea de elaborar por proceso de reconstitución, la mantequilla en nuestro país.
La empresa inicia sus primeras pruebas de producción de mantequilla con equipos adquiridos en los Estados Unidos y con una fuerza laboral de 12 personas; en sus instalaciones ubicadas en la Avenida 7 Norte – El Paical, Urbanización Los Ángeles, Ciudad de Panamá.
En 1976 expande sus operaciones, dando inicio al procesamiento de queso amarillo Tipo Americano y surge el producto queso procesado “Cremoso”, con el asesoramiento técnico de David Lavery & Son Pty. Ltd.
En 1982 se incorporan Manufacturas Consolidadas, S.A. y Laboratorios Hipócrates, S.A., dando inicio al Grupo Lavery, que hoy se conoce como Lavery Panamá, S.A.; elaborando cada uno productos específicos y de gran calidad; cuya venta y distribución se realiza a través de la reconocida empresa H. Tzanetatos Inc.
En 1994 esta prestigiosa empresa traslada su sede al edificio Grupo Lavery, ubicada en la Ave. Domingo Díaz (Vía Tocumen).
Actualmente con un recurso humano de más de 190 personas, tanto en las áreas administrativas como de producción, bajo la gerencia del Lic. Isael Augusto Diaz Mela.
Nuestro liderazgo
La empresa cuenta con profesionales altamente capacitados, que trabajan con gran dedicación, especialización y esmero. Para mantenerse a la vanguardia, LAVERY PANAMÁ, S.A. implementa sistemas de tecnología de punta y las más modernas herramientas en la industria, que le permiten ofrecer un servicio incomparable.
Los principios fundamentales contenidos en la Visión, Misión y Valores de Lavery Panamá, S.A., aportan un sentido de dirección común a nuestra empresa, son parte primordial de nuestra cultura organizacional y deben regir la conducta de cada uno de los colaboradores de nuestra empresa.
«Empresa dedicada a la elaboración de productos alimenticios, de cuidado personal y de aseo; seguros y de calidad, orientados a la satisfacción de consumidores y contribuyendo al desarrollo socio económico, brindando oportunidades de empleo y crecimiento profesional».
«Ser reconocidos a nivel nacional e internacional como líderes en la elaboración de productos alimenticios, de cuidado personal y de aseo, alcanzando la más alta competitividad en el mercado, manteniendo los estándares de inocuidad y calidad, incorporando nuevas tecnologías y ampliando la línea de productos.»
CALIDAD: Tenemos el compromiso de elaborar y almacenar nuestros productos, bajo condiciones y prácticas establecidas por la empresa, para la preservación y la calidad de los alimentos, de manera que sean aptos y seguros para el consumo humano, que satisfaga a nuestros consumidores y nos mantenga como empresa competitiva en el mercado.
COMPROMISO: Los colaboradores de Lavery nos sentimos identificados y comprometidos con la organización, por ello nos manejamos con conducta ética, respetando y manteniendo lealtad a sus valores y normas. Somos una empresa que vela por el bienestar y seguridad de todos; colaboradores, clientes y visitantes.
TRABAJO EN EQUIPO: En Lavery valoramos la colaboración, la comunicación y la capacidad de integrarse y trabajar efectivamente con los demás, participando activamente y potenciando las fortalezas de cada integrante para la obtención de una meta común. Somos capaces de subordinar los intereses personales a los objetivos del equipo.
INNOVACIÓN: Estamos siempre a la vanguardia, procurando incluir cambios originales y novedosos, que favorezcan la eficiencia en los procesos y la implementación de nuevos productos, mejorando cada día el servicio que brindamos, con tecnología de punta y personal actualizado.
RESPONSABILIDAD: Nos distinguimos por responder a los desafíos y compromisos adquiridos, a tiempo, con lealtad, transparencia, ética profesional y eficacia, manteniendo cuidado del patrimonio y bienes de la empresa y un alto nivel de rendimiento laboral.
On April 10, 1969 the Company Lavery Panama. SA was constitutes, it acquires its name in recognition of Australian Hugh Lavery, then President and CEO of the company David Lavery & Son Pty. Ltd., who crystallized the idea of preparing for a butter reconstitution process in our country.
The company started its first production tests of butter production with equipment purchased in the United States and with a workforce of 12 people, in its facilities located on 7th Avenue North – The Paical, Los Angeles Urbanization, Panama City.
In 1976 it expands its operations, starting the processing of American type yellow cheese and arises the processed cheese product Cremoso, with technical advice from David Lavery & Son Pty. Ltd.
In 1982 Manufacturas Consolidadas, S.A. is incorporated and Laboratorios Hipócrates, S.A., given raise to Lavery Group, now known as Lavery Panama, SA; developing each specific products and of high quality; whose sale and distribution is done through the highly recognized company H. Tzanetatos Inc.
In 1994 this prestigious company moved its headquarters to the Lavery Group building, located on Ave. Domingo Diaz (Via Tocumen).
Currently has a work force of more than 190 people, both in administrative and production, under the management of Lic. Isael Augusto Diaz Mela.
The company has highly trained professionals who work with dedication, expertise and dedication. To stay ahead, LAVERY PANAMA, SA implements technology systems and the latest tools in the industry, enabling it to offer unparalleled service.
The fundamental principles contained in the Vision, Mission and Values of Lavery Panama, S.A., provide a sense of common direction to our company, are a fundamental part of our organizational culture and should govern the behavior of each of the employees of our company.
«Company dedicated to the development of food products, personal care and cleaning, safe and quality, aimed at satisfying consumers and contributing to socio-economic development, providing employment opportunities and professional growth.»
«Be recognized nationally and internationally as leaders in the development of food products, personal care and cleaning, reaching the highest competitiveness in the market, maintaining the standards of safety and quality, incorporating new technologies and expanding the product line . »
QUALITY: We are committed to develop and store our products, under conditions and practices established by the company, for the preservation and quality of food, so that they are fit and safe for human consumption, that satisfies our consumers and keep as a competitive company in the market.
COMMITMENT: Lavery employees feel identified and committed to the organization, so we handle ourselves with ethical conduct, respecting and maintaining loyalty to their values and norms. We are a company that looks after the welfare and safety of all; collaborators, clients and visitors.
TEAMWORK: At Lavery we value collaboration, communication and the ability to integrate and work effectively with others, actively participating and strengthening the strengths of each member to achieve a common goal. We are able to subordinate personal interests to the team’s objectives.
INNOVATION: We are always at the forefront, trying to include original and novel changes, which favor the efficiency in the processes and the implementation of new products, improving every day the service we provide, with state-of-the-art technology and updated personnel.
RESPONSIBILITY: We distinguish ourselves by responding to the challenges and commitments acquired, on time, with loyalty, transparency, professional ethics and efficiency, maintaining care of the assets and assets of the company and a high level of work performance.
Lavery Panama S.A. as the final responsible for the Quality and Safety of food, he expresses his firm intention to implement and maintain constantly updated a Management System (SGC) based on ISO 9001:2015, and the Management System for Food Safety (SGIA) based on the scheme FSSC 22000, which guarantees the satisfaction of our customers through the quality and safety of food and compliance with the specific requirements of the client and legal regulations.
Through the application of the Integrated Quality and Safety Management Policy to all areas of LAVERY PANAMÁ, S.A. all the personnel of the company will try to develop a mentality of constant improvement in their job, detecting not only the failures that occur and their causes, but recognizing timely potential failures and their consequent elimination.
To fulfill these objectives, the Management of LAVERY PANAMÁ, S.A. is aware that in addition to providing adequate material and human resources, staf must understand and apply the guidelines that emanate from the documents that make up the Management System. To achieve this, it supports and encourages a Training Program aimed at all areas and persons of the Company.